Lord Randolph's pictorial diary of the 2005 Arizona renaissance festival


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The problem was all that lay beneath the original floor was clean washed sand, The ground burrowing rodents would undermine it during the year then when festival traffic begins it's tunnels collapse causing sink holes in the floor, for 10 years I have been digging up sunken floor tiles, filling the hole and replacing them.

I could no longer get a satisfactory result with patching and I did not have the time to pull up the floor, stabilize the sand and relay the floor so instead, with the help of my best friend Davie White we slurry coated the existing floor to make a smooth flat stable sub floor then laid and entire new floor over it in dry set mortar mix.
We had from Monday morning until Saturday opening, we finished about 10pm Friday ( at least finished enough to open )

There were 12 tons materials most of which we handled 3 times.

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