106 Speegle Court, Cedar Creek, TX 78612-3911


Marketing Philosophy

The sales philosophy of CHAINMAILLE FASHIONS can be summarized in a word, and that word is FUN. Chainmaille in the twentieth century is seldom a necessity and we at CHAINMAILLE FASHIONS have found our niche by costumer involvement. We encourage the faire going public to become involved by stretching their imaginations. We help them to try on a head dress or head band and then turn to those standing back from the counter watching and solicit their opinions, in so doing we involve the whole family in a new experience.

Our high fashion headdresses are frequently associated with beautiful women but we at CHAINMAILLE FASHIONS feel we make more of a difference by attending to ordinary people who perhaps never think of themselves as glamorous. When they turn around and the crowd roars its approval, then we've accomplished a thing of import.

Another way we involve the public is by encouraging them to expand on our ideas through designing their own custom pieces, which, in most cases are completed while they watch as a kind of personalized demonstration.

An important aspect of customer involvement at any theme event is maintaining the illusions; in the case of renaissance event this would include such aspects as , speaking in dialect ( even a first day participant can add "milord" or "milady" to their greetings), Dressing in costumes appropriate to the event , the product being sold and the station of the character being played. We prefer our customers to wear their purchase when ever it is appropriate but when they can't, placing the purchase in a nondescript brown paper bag is a good compromise, placing the sales receipt in the bag is important because many people, in the excitement of the day will leave their bags at a show or another booth and if their is any identifying papers inclosed patron and treasure can be reunited

But by far the single most important aspect of theme marketing is the display. We at CHAINMAILLE FASHIONS believe in a large visual presents. First impressions will fill your booth if they are positive, a large beautiful front will attract customers when they have no idea what they approach, only that its grand and warrants investigation. Spacious interiors with high ceilings offer protection from the elements while avoiding feelings of claustrophobia and providing ample space for lots of windows and light. The product needs to be displayed in a fashion that helps the patron to understand what is being viewed, this can be quite a challenge for some products. In the case of a three dimensional wearable art form like chainmaille this is accomplished primarily by inviting members of the public to step up to the counter and try it on! Then we have them take a hand mirror to post mounted vanity mirrors so they can see the total effect. This action also integrates the patron into the display for in fact the patron is then modeling for everyone in the booth.